Private Herbert NMI Shultz, 86th Infantry Division, European Theatre. Service uniform with tunic and insignia, three place ribbon bar, shirt, tie, pants, garrison cap, waist belt, waist belt with national emblem, leather belt. Plus a laundry bag with name, WWI rifle belt, first aid pouch with bandage, slippers, WWI canteen, cup and cover, mess kit with knife, fork and spoon, an inert baseball grenade, grenade fuse, first baseman's glove and two baseballs one being signed by players and annotated Camp Howze 1943. Herbert Shultz initially served in the Merchant Marine in the Mediterranean Middle East War Zone. He volunteered for service in the U.S. Army with assignment to the 86th Infantry Division. He was active in sports. He earned the Good Conduct, ETO Campaign with two battle stars and WWII Victory medals.
All veteran attributions and histories have been provided by the consignor and are believed to be accurate but not guaranteed by the auctioneer. NO MANNEQUINS OR FORMS ARE INCLUDED WITH ANY LOT. MANNEQUINS AND FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ADDITIONAL PURCHASE AS FOLLOW: Mannequins $250.00, Coat Forms $150.00, Shirt Forms $75.00 and Styro heads 3 for $25.
Provenance: The Jack Angolia Collection
$200 - $300
The Jack Angolia World War II History Museum Collection
Saturday, August 1st 2020
SOLD - $225
Sold Price does not include Buyer's Premium