Gunther Christoph Schelhammer (German, 1649-1716)
Xiphiae Piscis and Phocae Maris Anatome (1707)
Schelhameri, G. C. Xiphiae Piscis Oceani incolae Cultro Anatomico (Swordfish Anatomy) and Phocae Maris Anatome (Ocean Seals Anatomy). Hamburg, Sumptibus Reumannianis (Romanian Government), 1707. Begins with a title page, next page with text is numbered 3 and has a decorative wood engraving, intact pages through page 24 per unusual.
Then, a second title page for G. C. Schelhameri. Phocae Maris Anatome: In Academia Kiloniensi suscepta, Mense Decembri MDCXCIX. Hamburg, Sumptibus Reumannianis (Romanian Government), 1707. after which there are 24 numbered pages including a decorative wood engraving along the top of page 3.
There are no illustrations.
Measures 7.5 inches.
Very good condition, noting some toning.
Provenance: The library of C. Richard (Dick) Robins.
$200 - $300
Winter Gallery Auction
Saturday, December 10th 2022
SOLD - $120
Sold Price does not include Buyer's Premium